Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Myspace considers buying OurSpace.com

So you know how you hear stories about sexual predators going onto myspace to abduct little kids. Let me just say that I think those people should be shot and killed. I know it's a little harsh, but their wiring is messed up and very seldom do you hear of a recovering child molester. I could be wrong, but I'm not.

How come you never hear about the chick with a kid who is using myspace to try to find a husband for her baby? That's what I want to know. I feel like I'm the one being abused here. I see a nice picture of her. She's got like an awesome dance song and lots of pretty customized backgrounds. And then you click more pictures and it's just like bam... all pictures of you and your kid. Now don't get me wrong, I love kids. I'm a little young to have kids for various reasons (including but not limited to my affinity for 10 minute hand stands until the blood rushes to my head and makes me knock myself over, sliding down bannisters and drinking from the milk carton). But here's what I'm thinking. Bear with me. We call it... OurSpace. A place for families. That's right, OurSpace. No more surprise pictures. No more isn't my kid so cute pictures. Not exactly the kind of threesome I had in mind. Sorry.

Which leads me to my next thought... Last night I went to the Gin Mill. Just to grab a quick drink or two. Well I was just about to wrap up the night (after said drink or two), when upon returning from the bafroom, I saw people in the back doing standup comedy. So I walked back there and started listening. It was quite amusing. Fastforward a couple hours, I'm not intoxicated and laughing hysterically. So then when this one guy goes on who just sucks, I start heckling him. But instead of heckling back, he just pauses and says nothing. And then the later comedians felt like they had to stick together and support this guy (and of course they're the only ones w/ the mics) so they started poking fun here and there at us, not realizing that we were their ONLY audience besides the other comics. But it was quite amusing.

So now I'm a kick thinking I can do standup. We all know this is proposterous, but it's something people have ocassionally suggested to me (thanks mom and dad). But here's the other untapped resource I realized... CHICKS! I have always wanted a funny gf. Why not go to the comedy hour to meet one then? And monday nights are tame enough that it's easy to approach people. So I finally put two and two together and decided im going to do the standup circuit... until they realize im just a short circuit (ok that was bad). but ya. There's something really attractive about a funny girl. I mean if you can laugh at your huge ass mole and your disfunctional family, what can't you laugh at in life? That's rhetorical.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Another friend down, another new blog


Even though no one is reading (yet), I'm posting anyhow because i have trouble going back in time... sometimes. Other times, I just take my time traveling mini-van. You don't believe me? No seriously, I have a minivan. It's silver. And last night it fit me and 7 other girls. Don't hate... it's like karma for driving a minivan around the city. And onto the good stuff. (as if 7 girls aren't good stuff)

Karl and Danielle, who are both my homies, got eliminated the other day from beauty and the geek. Wait, that's not good stuff. Anyhow, it was a very sad day, because it was very cool hanging out w/ them on the show. Luckily, they're both from Chicago, so we still hang. In fact, we're all really good friends... now replace 'friends' with 'lovers' and replace 'really good' with 'indefatigable.' Don't try it at home though. Oh ya, check out Karl's awesome blog: http://kmachiavelli.blogspot.com/. And for those of you that don't get the triforce reference, it's time to beat up your parents. Zelda owns. In fact, I think Contra is responsible for getting me on batg. I'll explain later. In fact, i'll post it when i get a chance.

Ok that's about it for now. I'm really excited about Tuesday, as I will be eating Indian food at my neighbors. She's the most awesome neighbor ever.

Oh ya. So I got spotted last night. On girls who knew someone who knew Danielle. Some guy who my dad lawyers for. And then another dude at another bar. And then another dude. And then two more dudes. Then a phone call from my buddy's friend who again thought it was cool to know me. And as I was talking to her on the phone, got spotted by another girl at this table. I think I'm enjoying it, but when I want to tell other people about it, they're just like whatever. So I've kinda learned to keep it to myself. I do like people randomly coming up to me. Very seldom do they buy me a drink (except in Champaign), but that's probably healthier. I think just once I'd like a very attractive girl to spot me. It's bound to happen right? Or do hotties watch batg? That's not why I did the show at all, but can't we mix it up a little and not just random dudes? MMm random dudes. That's a joke btw. Ok time to grade homeworks. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Couple quick things

I know no one is probably reading this yet... at least I hope not. Anyhow we're going to Champaign this weekend to watch the 5th episode. Vegas baby! I am actually quite excited for this episode, moreso than usual. I'm kind of just keeping track for myself until I post a ton of stuff. But until then, enjoy the show and life.

Check out Chris' blog at www.chrisgeek.com. He's also currently selling shirts he wore on the show. All I have to offer is my band, gnome attic. His commentary is really insightful, but since he was booted last episode, you will only have his reaction and not insight.

So much to say, so little time. But I'll say it all soon. Really soon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Gotta catch up

It's Feb 2nd, which means the 4th episode is airing tonight! 5 of us (Brittany, Amanda, Karl, Danielle and I) are all from Chicago and often meet up to watch the episodes at different places. Tonight is the FBL, which is a hip little place in the West Loop. Should be a blast.

This news also means that I'm way behind schedule in posting commentary and updating the latest happenings. I didn't think we could keep a blog, but I saw Chris from the show had one, which made me very jealous. I will try not to overlap his commentary too much, but he does a great job of explaining some behind the scenes stuff as it relates to himself and some others.

I have to get on it. Maybe I'll have Brittany do a guest reaction as well!


Thanks for reading my blog. I decided to do this blog for a couple of reasons.
1) I thought I could add a little more insight and commentary to the Beauty and the Geek 2, seeing that I was one of the Geeks on the show. Of course, I have to be careful in what I write until after the final episode airs.
2) I kept a journal while I was on Beauty and the Geek which can maybe clue you in to how I was feeling at the time and what different thoughst I had. Some will seem dated or off base, but when you're in the middle of everything, it's sometimes hard to be objective. I did try though.
3) I play drums in an amazing rock band called Gnome Attic (www.gnomeattic.com). I figured I may as well plug my band and post some of the new happenings, since there's a lot going on in that front. If you would like to help with promotion or contacts, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm friendly... says my parents.
4) Some people wonder what it's like to be a 'psuedo-celeb' and if we've really changed from the show. I'm hoping to add some insight in that as well, though much of it will have to be fake names and places just because I do like to keep some sense of privacy.
5) This is no longer a 'couple' reasons and now quite a few, but I guess I'm just that interesting... to my parents. Being a philosophy major and an aspiring Renaissance man, I'm hoping to impart some different lessons and maybe tips I learn, as often times the little stuff gets lost in life.
6) I might also keep track of how badly I beat my friends at chess, as trash talking has become a real pasttime of mine.

Thanks for reading.