Saturday, January 05, 2008

I was on TNT!

Ok... it's not quite what you think. I was at the Bull's game the other night (the double overtime one) and our seats were so amazing we got on TV! I didn't tape the game or anything, but I got a text message from a friend saying he saw me. I also have had a streak of getting recognized by random people. I thought I was far removed from getting recognized, but alas it still happens a bit. I think MTV has reaired some batg seasons too, which probably helps. The guy behind me at the game wanted a picture of me because his 'wife' was a big fan. And then last night at a bar in Chicago called Crimson lounge, I got swarmed by like 6 people at once being like I think I know you from somewhere; before I knew it, I was taking pictures with everyone. I still enjoy getting recognized, but I kind of wish I was still doing things in the industry so I could promote an upcoming project or something. Maybe some day.

I'm in Chicago now for work. It's pretty cool to be home and chill at my old place w/ my friends. Oh ya, tonight I'm celebrating Brittany's birthday in Chicago! She just turned 24 on the 2nd. Can you believe that? I first met her on the show when she was 21. She's certainly come a long way since then. Anyhow, going to get sushi and then head to some local establishment. Should be a fun time. Danielle is coming too. Karl is back in LA w/o me, so he won't be joining us. I called Amanda to see if she wanted to come, but she didn't answer. I spoke with Nadia yesterday too; she's doing well in LA. Has a manager now, but still looking for work. It's a tough business out there, especially with the strike. I also heard Shiree (sp?) from batg3 moved to LA to pursue acting. I also heard CC and Megan from batg3 are in Chicago and maybe living together. I'm not sure if that's true at all, but it's what I heard. That's about all on the batg front. Hope everyone had a happy and safe h0liday.


Blogger Unknown said...

Now is not the time to break into Hollywood. Like you, I'd love to parlay my success on BATG into greater success in show business, but the timing is just not right with the writers' strike is full swing and not ending any time soon. I can starve just as easily in Boston as I can in Los Angeles without the trouble of moving there.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Joe Block said...

dave you rock my world! well, maybe we can make some sort of geek show some day? wouldn't that be cool? something like the hills but just a bunch of geeky dudes. haha.

you'll have to come visit in LA. it's a good time, whether you're in the entertainment industry or not. i'll message you later. but thanks for dropping by my blog. i still want to read your journal at some point too!

5:42 PM  
Blogger Atticus Pf said...

Hey Joe Block. Hope you are doing well! I miss our days chillin' at Virtual Tribology weekly meetings and eating Papa Johns.

Jim Pf!

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New season starts tonight, Woohoo!

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any chance or posting a new update on how everyone is doing? or at least those you're still in touch with.

2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joe! I just recently found your blog and I thought you gave us great insight into BatG that the viewers don't see. Is there any chance of more posts in the near future?

p.s. Season 2 of BatG was by far my favorite.

6:29 PM  

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