Hey all-
Sorry that I haven't been keeping up with the updates. I'm glad to see there's still a few of you still interested in everything happening in the world of geek. I'm going to post bullet points to keep it short.
1) I am finishing up grad school this month. Thus, not many updates. My thesis defense is Aug 23rd at Northwestern University if anyone is interested in attending.
2) In other happy news, I accepted a job in Los Angeles doing IT strategy consulting. I start in Oct. If anyone is looking for a job in this field, drop me a line.
3) Moving to LA in Sept for the job. Can't wait. I love it out there.
4) A production company has picked up one of the TV shows that I and one of the producers from BATG2 came up with. It's still very early, but it's exciting.
5) Still going strong with the girlfriend. It's been almost a year and a half, which is the longest relationship for me by far. It feels very nice to have someone so great in my life.
6) You might see Karl and I in the casting special for BATG4. We just showed up, hung out with Mike (the host) and got taped a little. It was quite fun whether it makes it to air or not.
7) I heard this season is going to be crazy (this was pre-shooting). Lots of surprises.
8) Sorry I buried the lead, but our season should be reairing on Fox Reality sometime this summer (which is almost over... maybe I/we missed it). Supposed to be 1hr 30min episodes with extra commentary and footage. I'm curious to see what they include. We gave them suggestions, but you never know with these things. They'll probably just add a lot of our commentary like a documentary of sorts.
9) Tuesday is my bday. Not sure what I'm doing for it yet. Suggestions?
10) Ok 10 is a good number to end on. I hung out w/ Danielle, Karl and Brittany this weekend. Still living with Karl. Not sure if he's moving to LA yet, but I'd like him to. He's an awesome person. He's been seeing this girl from cali too. Good times. Oh ya, I finally won at Yahtzee! Danielle is a monster at that game. Dominated us like every game, but I finally won!
Ok sorry for the chaotic post. Back to my thesis. It's almost 4am. Go Bears!