Saturday, January 13, 2007

Long overdue update

Hey all. A lot going on in my life. Let's get you caught up.

1) I recently had surgery for a deviated septum. The surgery went well but then I had a complication and had to go the ER the last couple of nights. I'm doing well but I'm pretty much stuck in my house until Monday. Which amongst other annoyances means that I won't be able to attend the Bears game. So they have to win so I can go next week!

2) The most recent time my nose acted up was on my way to see the 3rd episode of batg3 with Drew (the Trekker) at his dad's Polish restaurant. I unfortunately did not get to go but I did eat some leftover food. Very good! It's at 9200 w brookfield in broadview for those interested. I did make it to the premiere party of the show at Rockitbar. Erin, Megan and Nadia were all there, although I only really spoke to Nadia very briefly. So I really couldn't tell you much about this year's cast. I know Brit and Karl have talked to them more than I have.

3) I had a really pleasant Christmas. Spent it at the gf's relatives because I am Jewish, so there was no argument about who's party to attend. They had some of the most amazing Polish food. We ended up playing Cranium, Connect Four and video games all day/night long.

4) For New Years, a big group of my friends and I went to Grand Central in Lincoln Park. It was a really fun time: not too packed, plenty of food and great drink selection for an open bar. Ended up just coming back to the house afterwards where apparently I missed some late night festivities, but nothing too crazy.

5) As for the new season, I find it entertaining. Compared to our season, the girl's seem more promiscuous, cliquey and less willing to learn. I'm glad the girls on season 2 were so willing to work at it like the guys. And I felt like we were a little friendlier, even though they make Chris look like a jerk. Most of us still talk and hang out. It's quite awesome.

Also, it's too bad they did it in the same mansion again, other than I know the house pretty well. The mansion shows well but it's not the nicest inside. I guess the real premise is that the show is about the people and not the location, but I saw the start of the new Apprentice and saw their badass mansion. At least we weren't in tents. I have my predictions about who will win, but I should probably not say.

6) If you're still reading at this point, thank you. Oh ya, my band Gnome Attic had their cd release show at the Double Door. It was a great show so thanks to any of you reading this that came. You can buy our music on itunes if you search for gnome attic or listen to and purchase songs at

7) I'll respond to the chess questions later. I'm actualling on ICC, handle gnomeattic if anyone wants to play me or talk to me on there. Corus just started, so that's pretty exciting. I'm rambling. If you want to know more, just ask.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you are under the weather Joe. But you know it is great that you are still keeping this blog up.
I'm also finding this season a little disappointing. I guess it was because last season the girls where more like a girl next door instead of a playboy girl next door..

2:00 PM  

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