do you like reality tv?
well the first ever reality tv convention is happening june 2-4th. i still have decided if I'm going or not. my band is playing june 2nd at the note in chicago, so i would just come down the 3rd if i do. the chicago crew (brit, danielle, karl, amanda and i) are thinking about roadtripping down there. i don't know what we'll do about hotels. they aren't paying us but said we can sell stuff. i already sold my soul to be on the show though :(
so i hear josh, thais, chris are confirmed for the convention. other than that, i'm not sure. there's also tons of other reality people. i'm too lazy to find the link for the website for the convention. just google first reality tv convention in nashville and you should find it. and then post it in my comments for everyone to enjoy. thanks.
apparently my shift key(s) are broken. good band practice tonight. worked on a new song for a while. listened to some new mixes. still gotta keep working on them. ok im gone. poof.
so i hear josh, thais, chris are confirmed for the convention. other than that, i'm not sure. there's also tons of other reality people. i'm too lazy to find the link for the website for the convention. just google first reality tv convention in nashville and you should find it. and then post it in my comments for everyone to enjoy. thanks.
apparently my shift key(s) are broken. good band practice tonight. worked on a new song for a while. listened to some new mixes. still gotta keep working on them. ok im gone. poof.