Is it pictures you want?
So I've been informed by Chris (from batg) that my site is the most boring blog ever. After looking at it, I agreed. I don't know how you guys have the time or patience, but I've decided to repay you with lots of cool pictures. Some of you have seen them on my myspace or facebook, but some you've probably never seen. I hear pictures make blogs better... well, pictures of beautiful women.
This pictures was taken on our way to Vegas; I was teaching the girls Texas Hold 'Em. We won that challenge, which was awesome because I didn't have to be naked for too long.

This picture was taken right before the final elimination. I begged the wardrobe people for a new outfit for the finale. They got me that amazing blazer; originally they said i couldn't keep it, but they let me in the end. I look really tan in that picture. As many of the people got eliminated, Brit and I spent more time tanning outside, which is something I never did before the show. I can't wait til this summer for chess on the beach, volleyball and warm weather.

This was right after our makeovers on the way to speed dating. Not the most flattering pic but it's kind of fun.

This is Karl, Brit and I at her birthday dinner at Chevys. It was quite a fun night. Ended up playing ping pong against Brit's sister. She beat me badly. Ok this caption sucks. Onto the next picture.

Just to remind you how geeky I once looked, here I am during the makover episode shopping w/ Chris and Wes. I look really chunky in this picture. I think when I started the show, I was around 170 lbs. I worked out almost every morning at the mansion and have been doing pretty well since returning home as well. I'm down to like 155. Ok this caption just got really self-agrandizing. Why can't I just say, "look at the fat geek." Would make a much better caption.

Two of my most favorite people in the whole world. I have some cool stories from the vegas episode. I've just been too busy to review all the episodes. Part of it is that I don't feel like rewatching them all. You like how this caption now has nothing to do with the picture? I like lobster.
This picture was taken at my house before one of the episodes. I don't remember which one. You can see barely see the kegerator over amanda's shoulder. That's key for making new friends. What attractive people. They'd make a hell of a baby...

If you thought Sarah was hot, how do you feel about Danielle on top of Sarah? Enjoy guys. This was when Sarah and her bf came to visit over winter break. It was at a club called Level in Chicago. I saw Brad from the Real World there one time. He was a jerk to Danielle I guess.

One more pic from when Sarah was in town. We went to a lounge called Plush first. That's where this was taken. The picture is after a couple bottles of wine and some spirits as well.

So I wasn't really going to post stuff about my personal life, because I'm not a very public person. But I figured it would at least explain why I haven't updated much. Between my band, school, socializing and the girl on the left, I've been keeping quite busy. She's awesome. That's all I have to say. Oh ya, beautiful too.
I'll have some more stories and news soon. The new Gnome Attic site should be done soon. The guy doing it is slacking a little. In the meantime you can visit with us on Hope my blog is no longer the most boring ever.

This picture was taken right before the final elimination. I begged the wardrobe people for a new outfit for the finale. They got me that amazing blazer; originally they said i couldn't keep it, but they let me in the end. I look really tan in that picture. As many of the people got eliminated, Brit and I spent more time tanning outside, which is something I never did before the show. I can't wait til this summer for chess on the beach, volleyball and warm weather.

This was right after our makeovers on the way to speed dating. Not the most flattering pic but it's kind of fun.

This is Karl, Brit and I at her birthday dinner at Chevys. It was quite a fun night. Ended up playing ping pong against Brit's sister. She beat me badly. Ok this caption sucks. Onto the next picture.

Just to remind you how geeky I once looked, here I am during the makover episode shopping w/ Chris and Wes. I look really chunky in this picture. I think when I started the show, I was around 170 lbs. I worked out almost every morning at the mansion and have been doing pretty well since returning home as well. I'm down to like 155. Ok this caption just got really self-agrandizing. Why can't I just say, "look at the fat geek." Would make a much better caption.

Two of my most favorite people in the whole world. I have some cool stories from the vegas episode. I've just been too busy to review all the episodes. Part of it is that I don't feel like rewatching them all. You like how this caption now has nothing to do with the picture? I like lobster.

If you thought Sarah was hot, how do you feel about Danielle on top of Sarah? Enjoy guys. This was when Sarah and her bf came to visit over winter break. It was at a club called Level in Chicago. I saw Brad from the Real World there one time. He was a jerk to Danielle I guess.

One more pic from when Sarah was in town. We went to a lounge called Plush first. That's where this was taken. The picture is after a couple bottles of wine and some spirits as well.

So I wasn't really going to post stuff about my personal life, because I'm not a very public person. But I figured it would at least explain why I haven't updated much. Between my band, school, socializing and the girl on the left, I've been keeping quite busy. She's awesome. That's all I have to say. Oh ya, beautiful too.
I'll have some more stories and news soon. The new Gnome Attic site should be done soon. The guy doing it is slacking a little. In the meantime you can visit with us on Hope my blog is no longer the most boring ever.
Nice short, but colorful update.
I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to post an update. ;)
Now I've read why you didn't update sooner, I can't blame you for it. You obviously had a good reason. ;)
Let us know when your band's site has been updated.
Hey Rico-
You might be the only one who reads this darn blog. It's cool though. It's one more person than I expected. I just thought I'd do it in case people were interested. I'm still planning on reviewing the episodes here, just haven't sat down to do it. Ok thanks again dude.
your blog is just awesome
Thanks for your reply, Joe.
I think lots of people actually read your blog, but don't bother to post a reply.
The reason why I like your blog is because I think you and I have similar thoughts about lots of things, especially about things that happened on the show (because that's the main thing you talk about, so I can't really tell if we have similar thoughts on things beside the show).
The reason I watched the show is to see how people act and react in some situations.
I myself am also a geek, so that makes the show even more appealing to me. Besides that I'm actually also learning stuff from the show. That's why I like to read every thing about it, just to gain more knowledge about stuff you normally don't read or see anything about.
I like to analyse people and try to find out how someone's mind works and thinks, and also why. All this without prejudging someone, because I think prejudging is wrong. Basicly because I'm also getting prejugded a lot, and I don't think that's fair. You can't judge people on how they look.
Thanks to the show and your blog I feel more comfortable in life, and I don't feel like everyone is prejudging me because of my looks. I think that's because the show made me realise not everyone does that. There are also a lot of people actually smart enough to not prejudge people, and I'm very glad I'm able to notice that now.
I'm actually getting pretty choked up right now because a lot of memories come to mind, but I think I'll be able to get rid of the bad memories and start making better memories soon.
I think life has to offer better people than I thought it had to offer before the show. I'll keep trying to analyse more people to learn more about life and the different kinds of people.
I really want to thank you, and the rest of BATG 1 and 2, for letting me see all this.
Rico Lammers
I love reading your blog! It's very honest, open and easy to read. It's 'Just Joe' and that's what makes it so awesome. Your blog should always be 'you' and not someone else. kwim? I try to be the same with mine.
I watched the show and enjoyed it a lot. Being a bit of a geek/nerd myself (math/stats major) I can sympathize...
I've found your blog very interesting to read, it really gives some key insights to what was going on with the show. It's also interesting to see how you and others on the show have made great friends with each other.
Hey, Joe - I not only read your blog, the piece on you was the first thing I read when I got my U of C alumni magazine yesterday (and I'm fully aware that as a GSB alum, I probably skew a little - ok, a lot - older than Ashton Kutcher's intended target audience!). As a proud nerd-girl who married a fellow nerd (who will actually be getting his JD at U of C starting this fall), I love following the exploits of the geeks - thanks for the entertainment!
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