Sunday, March 12, 2006

Crazy weekend

Let's work backwards through my weekend. Ok sounds like a plan.

So I just got back from the South Side Irish parade not too long ago. Went with my roommate Josh and his lady friend. We left around 11am and got back around... well we made it back. It was craziness everywhere. It was like a huge frat party with everyone dressed in green drinking in the streets. The police didn't care at all; in fact, they were messing with some of the drunk people. I happened to run into a couple of Brit's [alum] sorority sisters, with one of whom I went to jr high. So somehow I ended up wandering around with them through the south side streets no idea where we are going. End up going to some house party and being at an apt party all day. I ate corned beef sandwiches and way too many chocolate chip cookies, which I don't even normally eat. The point is, somehow I lost Josh and company. But managed to find my way to my bandmate Dan's van, where he hadn't slept all night and was filming the most goofy stuff. He was sitting at a police baracade just filming the flashing lights/sirens of the many police and emergency vehicles. Somehow I found Josh, found my car and made it home. Mission accomplished.

Saturday, I ended up just hanging out around my house and the neighbors. We honestly have the coolest neighbors ever. I just had spaghetti and meatballs she made: best chef ever. So we played a little poker. Just a nice low key night.

Friday, must have been fun, because I can't remember what I did. I know I got spotted at home depot and target. The target guy was polite because he just came up and said I was rooting for you and it's nice to meet you. The home depot people were just kinda pointing and snickering and texting their friends. I didn't mind, but I'm friendly. Just come say hi.

Oh ya, I remember now. It was awesome. My band Gnome Attic had a concert. We played to a sold out crowd at a lincoln park bar. One of the best shows we've played. Great response. People couldn't move it was so packed. We video taped the whole thing w/ 3 cameras. Gonna make for some awesome live footage. Check for the latest. We should have a new cd and release show here soon.

I'm really sorry this post is boring. And I should really be talking about the episodes. Ok here's some information about the finale that you should you still be reading, you might enjoy:

The finale was not 12 questions or whatever like they showed. There were 25 questions in total. 10 for the guys, 10 for the girls and then we actually had 5 sudden death questions. That's right, 5!! After each sudden death question, I asked the producer to just split the money or to give it to the girls or the other team. I really didn't care. It had been the longest day. I was up at 6 am cause I couldn't sleep. Then we had both our dates that day (chess and ice skating). And the elimination was supposed to start around 5 pm, but it really started closer to 8 or 9 pm. And since it went sudden death, they had to come up with more questions for us and figure out the logistics of it all. But I finally begged for the producer at one point between the 3 girl questions of the 5 sudden deaths we did. I asked why we couldn't split the money; I dared them to be different. They said categorically no. It's too bad cause I think people would have liked that. Apparently, Ashton was in house too in the control room.

But I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open and the light was blinding. I wanted to take my contacts out or just sleep, but there was no way really. They didn't feed us til like midnight, which was crazy too. I was just dying that whole final elimination. I knew most those answers. In a lot of ways, I feel like I blew it, but it's all good. Some of the other questions they didn't show were pretty easy too. As for the question picking process, it was the same as all other eliminations where we picked #'s and they read off the questions. It was completely fair. They didn't show the # picking because like I said, there were a lot more questions than they showed and because it woulda taken too much time. I can't remember all the questions, bu some were like 1) if you won the money, what would u buy first. 2) what would you change about your body 3) what animal would your partner describe you as 4) which person is most influential in your life. I remember the sudden death questions too: 1) who changed the most 2) would you partner pick fame, money or (can't remember) 3) if you had to pick who you'd give the money to, who would it be. At this point, I actually yelled at the producers for picking questions that all had to do with money, which was simple for cher and josh because cher made it clear she was just there for the money. So then the next batch of questions, they asked us 1) brains or intellect 2) something person needs to change (final question) 3) super power: flight, invisibility or super strength (which is a really stupid question).

So in short, the finale was fair. I missed some questions I shouldn't have. I can't believe they showed the answer about wes. but after he said that, when picking the next question, I said "in honor of wes, I'll take ten please mike." that didn't make the air. in fact, it's pretty amazing that they didn't show me making any jokes on the show (except that whole mans/ladies best friend). I had some really good ones. Like the first day when I was the 2nd to last person to go out to see the girls, I was like "ok you both can come with me since I'm the last one." brit and sarah both stood up. But they can't show me being suave, especially on the 1st episode. In fact, they never really did show me being suave on the show; that's probably why josh had a lot of footage and I didn't, which is probably for the best.

I'm sure there's a lot more to say. When I finally rewatch it, I'll post more if people even still care. Oh ya, Thursday (the finale day). We watched at a local establishment called the Funky Buddha lounge w/ karl and danielle and tons of friends/family. It was so much fun. Beautiful girls everywhere. The best thing about being friends with good looking girls is that they often have good looking friends too! So I may not have won the money, but I now have some life long friends which is awesome. We got a free bottle of belvidare, a couple bottles of champaign and some shots too. I signed a couple of posters for ppl and took some pics with people too. WGN was there filming. The sun times did a nice article too. I did an interview for E! online too, so when that comes out, there will be a lot of cool info in there. I'll probably copy and paste it into the blog so you don't have to search for it.

Ok I'm exhausted. I'll write more soon. Thanks to everyone that has written comments. I will respond once things slow down a little. As for where you can see me next or what I'm doing next, no idea really. Still in grad school; still playing music with my band; still hanging out with the chicago cast people (amanda, danielle, karl and brit); waiting for it to get warm to play chess on the beach. I'm way backed up on responding but I read everything and will respond soon. I promise. Love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick response.

Yes, I think many people do care about your posts on your blog.
I hope you will continue writing stuff about the experience and some behind the cameras stuff.
I also would love to read some of the jokes you made on the show and didn't make it to the episodes.

I also would like to mention that I agree with you on the 'split the money' subject. Especially with the circumstances you guys had to do the final elimination.

Good luck with your band and I'll be checking out your blog daily.

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to know it was fair. I know that a lot of people slammed Cher and Josh about the new partner question being a gimme. I would have been happy with either team winning. But, I'm really glad that it appears that you all got something good out of the experience.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I just want to say, that I REALLY WANTED YOU AND BRIT TO WIN!!! It could be because, I didnt like cher too much because there was a lot of talk that she wasn't actually "dumb". Anyways, I'm also glad that it was fair, and that you enjoyed this experience, because I enjoyed watching the show.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I just want to say, that I REALLY WANTED YOU AND BRIT TO WIN!!! It could be because, I didnt like cher too much because there was a lot of talk that she wasn't actually "dumb". Anyways, I'm also glad that it was fair, and that you enjoyed this experience, because I enjoyed watching the show.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining that, it really clears a lot of stuff up. Don't say that people don't care about reading your posts either because we really do care and enjoy reading them like the first comment said. Thanks for the post!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Joe,

I found your blog through some discussion forums...BWAHAHA Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed watching you on BATG2. Geeks are great :) I plan on dropping by your blog again!

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching the show, reading your blog, and doing some thinking, something that may be obvious to most other girls has finally occured to me. It it totally pointless to expect any kind of love or true care out of the flashy guys with the six packs and the tans that come up at the bar with their lines and over-confident expectations. It's futile to struggle to get something meaningful out of these guys because that's not what they're about. I guess I'm realizing that there are guys out there that actually *like* women - really care about who we are and what we need. It's an idea I still need to work on with myself, but I'm getting there.


9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm just surfing the net, and found blogging and such for Beauty and the Geek contestants, and since my friend PHIL here is too much a WUSS to do it, I will. He does drums, and that YOU were his favorite! Now I want to say that you were right about the Finale. On TV, especially Reality TV, a TON of stuff is edited out, so that sometimes it gives off a different idea.

:P -Sarah

1:30 PM  

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